Plant for the Planet

Plant for the Planet is a segment of the Green Economy initiative of the International Student Environment Coalition, Nigeria Chapter which is the first tree planting competition among schools in Nigeria and arguably in West Africa. It is a dream shared by ISEC Nigeria team to green up all schools in the country starting from the communities to the metropolis as part of the aim to unite all students for the fight against climate change which is still very strange to Nigeria as a country. A journey of a thousand mile they say it starts with a step, reason ISEC Nigeria have decided to kick start this project on the 1st of April, 2017 involving 20 schools (Primary and Secondary) in Ile-Ife and Ilesha, Osun State, a southern part of Nigeria. Plant for the Planet is a platform created to talking about the importance of trees and nature to the planet earth with the young ones after which the young students are led into the planting exercise.. To ensure the sustainability of the project, monitors are chosen among the students and their Teachers with a mandate to reinforce the best 3 schools with the highest germination of trees planted after a specific period of time with perfect inspection from ISEC. Plant for the Planet project is also to further promote environmental education and instill leadership skills into the future Nigerian and African generation. For this edition, 10 tree seedlings each of an endangered indigenous Ekki specie (Lophira alata) and Teak (Tectona grandis) with other ornaments are planted in each school visited and the participations have been mind blowing which serves a huge encouragement to ISEC, the communities and the Nation as a whole. To support or partake in this project, you may check this link below.