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Nepal Earth Hour

The 5th Chapter of IDLE’s Essay writing Trainings and Competition program was organized on 24th of March (Earth day), 2018 in Little Angles School Premises, Hattiban Lalitpur by Rotaract Club of Chandragiri Jointly with International Student Environmental Coalition supported by Rotary Club of Chandragiri on the theme “Youth Energy for Sustainable Future." The registration of the event was open from 2nd March to all the undergraduate students all over the Kathmandu. Altogether eleven students from seven different colleges were selected for the program.

The program was initiated with Essay writing trainings by Mr. Rupak Timalsina. The students were trained to write different areas of essays. The program was followed by Presentation of Mr. Shankar Bhandari, National Director-International Student Environmental Coalition on “Environmental Health/Climate Change.”Each Participant to the program was asked to write a short essay on “Roles of youth in Environmental Management” which portrays the present scenario and possible solutions of the problems after the presentation. Experts evaluate essays and select top three essays of the event. The program was followed by different brain storming sessions and games.

The presence of different Youth, Rotarians, and Partner organization members add the beauty in the event. Ms.Dolma Sherpa, Project Manager-IDLEI gives presentation on “Rotaract, Leadership and Social Work”. Dr. Ramesh Chitrakar, PP Rotary Club of Chandragiri explained the trend of essay writing and its importance on youth generation. Rtr.Ananda Adhikari, president of RAC Chandragiri highlights the roles of students in making their environment livable. Among all the participants, Pratik Subedi from Nepal Mega College lift the Title of the event, Ajeshna Shakya from Blue Bird H.S School secured second position and third was Manita Lama representing National College of Food Science and Technology.Dr.Benu Karki, who was the chief guest of the program summarize the event and shares his ideas on roles of youth in mitigating environmental hazards/Pollution .The winners were rewarded with certificates, medals and cash prizes.

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