ISEC Pakistan Visits Hinopak Motors
As they say, environmentalists find their way in every field and industry, we found one at HinoPak motors, Karachi.
International Student Environmental Coalition ISEC-Pakistan arranged a visit for the Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Karachi to Hinopak Motors (Official) on 13th March’18, Tuesday. 50 students along with the faculty members, Dr. Aamir Alamgir, Dr. Zafar, Dr. Waqar Ahmed, Madam Humaira and Madam Noor were entertained by the staff at Hino Pak.
An introductory session about the world wide industry of Hino motors and it’s part in the vehicle business was given which later followed by a quite informative HSE session by Ms. Nabeela Aijaz. A walk in visit at the Chassis Assemble Point (CAP) and Body manufacturing plant was made where the staff introduced the “health and safety at work” to the students. From a minor hazard to the prevention and safety measure of a worker were explained and manifested at the Dojo Lab where the aim of the company, “zero sai” (zero accident), were showcased through model accidents and their preventions.
A waste water plant was also visited where the students themselves observed the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment and were told how the tertiary treated water was made useful for the plants and trees. The visit made clear the importance of Health and safety at any industry for the life of workers and the management saving them from any incident.