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2019 annual report

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This year, we welcomed and onboarded 19 new countries to our family. Each country organized their own launch events and trainings. Here are a few of the highlights. 
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As a collective, we successfully launched Earth Power Movement​!

The purpose of the #EarthPower campaign is to strengthen our demands and increase the inclusivity of the youth climate strike movement. 


We strive to harness the momentum of the youth strike movement, and direct it toward the fossil fuel industry, as 100 fossil fuel companies are responsible for 71% of global carbon emissions.  We believe that confronting the fossil fuel industry is central to addressing the root causes of climate change-- colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism, and racism. We believe we can do this by ending fossil fuel infrastructure, just transition, and divestment. 


This campaign successfully integrated this messaging into the youth climate strikes, specifically during the September 2019 strikes, the biggest youth strike of all time. 


Please check out the website for more information.



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All of our countries did amazing work this year, and you can check all of it out on our social media and each country's social media pages. xIn total, 5,000 people were educated in our on the ground training programs.
​Here are some highlights from our continuing countries.
Radio Program

Radio Environmental Programme is a weekly environmental radio session where Researchers and Analysts teach Environmentalism and Green Economy in English and local languages.


Radio Environmental Programme held all through 2019, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Oodua 90.9 FM and OAU GREAT FM respectively reaching out to approximately 500,000 listeners

Plant for the Planet

Plant4DPlanet continued to expand as it DIRECTLY engaged approximately 700 students across 3 schools in Osun and Lagos State

Save Ilaje

 Developing empathy for the people of Ilaje in their travails, ISEC launched #SaveIlaje campaign on Green Economy Survey to communities in the Coastlines languishing in pains due to sea incursion resulting from oil exploration.

Cayman Islands

Beach Clean-Ups:

Partnered with Plastic Free Cayman, Girl Power Cayman and Protect our future Cayman to a host beach clean-up on November 8, 2019. Residents were educated afterwards on the importance of keeping the Cayman Islands plastic free and given resources to further their education.



Environmental Peaceful Protest:

Protested the building of a cruise ship port which would destroy the Cayman Islands coral reef. Over 100+ resident came to the event on November 29, 2019. We were able to inform bystanders on why it is important to vote NO on the Cayman Islands free ever referendum regarding the building of the cruise ship port.



EnviroWalk 5k:

Partnered with Girl Cayman, Miss World Cayman Islands and The HE Cayman Islands Governor to host “Envirowalk” 5k. This walk is the first environmental focused 5k in the Cayman Islands. Signs were displayed throughout the 5k with environmental tips for participants gain knowledge on. Participants, which was over a 100, were encouraged to bring a reusable bottle to fill up at the various water stops. After the 5k, participants were educated on various environmental charities in the Cayman Islands and ways they can give back. During this presentation, a short educational presentation was given to the audience of over 200 about keeping Cayman plastic free.


Plant for the Planet and Break Free from Plastic


We accomplished our Plant for the Planet program in Makassar, East Sulawesi, Indonesia. We engaged in a mangrove planting and education session before organizing “Break Free from Plastic” Exhibition, discussion, and campaign, which worked with stakeholders in our region to educate and reduce plastic pollution.




National Director Jessy Flies to Miami!

Our Uganda National Director and Board of Director Eng Jessy Musaazi represented ISEC tat the Youth Climate Summit in Miami, Florida in August. He presented on climate activism in the Global South.


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